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User Agreement
Effective date: August, 2023
Please read these terms carefully before using payment participation service. Using the online payment participation service on «77» services indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms do not use this payment participation service.
These general terms and conditions regarding the delivery of the Service to the Merchant by the Supplier constitute an integral part of the Agreement (General Terms and Conditions).
1.1. This User Agreement for the provision of services by the «77» (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) establishes the requirements and contains a description:
1.1.1. The procedure for the provision of services of the
1.1.2. Public offer by Users of «77» services.
1.1.3. Differentiation of responsibility for the use and provision of services by the «77» service.
1.1.4. Measures to minimize the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing.
1.2. All services of the Service are provided by 77 PGW IC, ΗΕ 448659. Govern law and Contract law - Legislation of the Republic of Cyprus. The company is registered in the territory of the Nicosia. In accordance with the current legislative regulation, in the Republic of Cyprus, the activity on the civil circulation of cryptocurrency is not prohibited by law.
1.4. The procedure for the settlement of external disputes related to the operation of the Service, the legal responsibility of the Parties for causing harm, as well as the consideration of disputes in a claim and court procedure is established

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1.5. Before using the services of the «77», the User is obliged to familiarize himself with the terms of this Agreement, annexes to the Agreement, the Privacy Policy of the Service published on the Service website, and accept them.
1.6. The use of the services of the Service is possible only if the User accepts all the terms of the Agreement and documents, in accordance with clause 1.5. of this Agreement.
1.7. The current version of the Agreement is located for public access on the Service website. The Service Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes come into force after 3 (three) calendar days from the date the new version of the Agreement is posted on the website, unless a different procedure for entry is specifically provided for in the new version of the Agreement. If the User disagrees with the changes made, he is obliged to refuse access to the Service website and stop using the materials and services of the Service by sending an appropriate email to
1.8. Definitions:
Customer – Merchant’s client who purchases goods and services of the merchant’s site through the Supplier’s service.
Merchant – ecommerce merchant is someone who sells goods/provides services exclusively over the Internet. For the purposes of these Terms, “the merchant” is also understood as the owner or manager of the site through which the above actions are carried out.
Payment Gateway – is a transfer service that allows Customers to make payments by credit and debit cards, as well as numerous alternative payment methods, certified in accordance with international PCI DSS data transfer security standard.
Payment participation P2P service – is a transfer service that allows Customers to make payments on Merchant’s service by using peer-to-peer marketplace to engage in transactions with digital assets.
Payment processor – is a company or financial institution that a Merchant chooses to process their online transactions such as credit and debit card payments (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, World) or alternative payment methods (Alipay, WeChat, etc.).
Supplier (The Service) – payment participation service «77», that provides payment participation P2P service for Merchants.
2. Service’s role
2.1. «77» is a “peer-to-peer marketplace to enable buyers and sellers of Digital Assets (including, but not limited to cryptocurrencies, i.e. digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum) to engage in transactions with each other (the «Marketplace»), offering hosted digital wallet services, holding and releasing Cryptocurrency as instructed upon completion of a purchase of Cryptocurrency and any other services described in this Agreement provided by 77 PGW IC, ΗΕ 448659.
2.2. «77» is not a payment processor – a bank, payment institution, internet acquiring, or money services business, but are instead, respectively, a supplier of the services supplied under the under this Agreement.
2.3. The Service is not a “payment gateway” certified in accordance with international PCI DSS data transfer security standard. Providing their services, «77» is not operate fiat assets and payment institutions.
2.4. Supplier will provide the Service to the Merchant for the purpose of transmitting Merchant’s ecommerce payment trans- actions to agreed P2P payment method providers. For the sake of clarity it is noted that the Service does not comprise any transfer of funds.
2.5. For making all payments for purchases on the Merchant’s website, Customer shall be required to make a payment for which Customer will be redirected to a third-party payment participation service «77»
2.6. After redirection to the Supplier's website, the procedure for conducting transactions, tariffs and other conditions is determined in accordance with The Terms and Conditions – User Agreement
2.7. The Service is available 24 hours a day for the transmission of ecommerce payment transactions. The Supplier will endeavor to provide availability of 99,5 %.
2.8. The Supplier shall not be responsible for the functionality or availability of third party services, e.g. telecommunication ser- vices or services of card payment acquirers and other payment method providers.
2.9. The Supplier shall provide support to the Merchant as specified from time to time on the Supplier’s website. Support may be subject to separate charge.
2.10. The Supplier is entitled to interrupt the use of the Service if necessary due to maintenance, security breach, repair or development of the Service or if there is another justified reason for an interruption. The Supplier notifies the Merchant of any interruption in the use of the Service in advance, if possible.
2.11. The Supplier informs the Merchant of significant changes to the Service that require changes to the Merchant’s ecommerce solution integration with the Service thirty (30) days prior to the change taking effect. The Merchant undertakes to update its ecommerce solution within the time limit specified by the Supplier. The Merchant is responsible for its own costs in respect of changes to its own systems, as well as for the implementation and testing thereof.
2.12. «77» has obtained all necessary licenses under local legislation, that require us to be subject to AML and KYC.
3. The Merchant’s role
3.1. The Merchant is responsible for the necessary implementation of/or adaptation to its ecommerce solution in order to enable communication with the Service.
3.2. The Merchant must carry out testing of the integration of its ecommerce solution with the Service in accordance with the Supplier’s instructions before the Service can be deployed. The Merchant is responsible for any and all expenses incurred related to implementation and testing.
3.3. The Merchant’s equipment and ecommerce solution must at all times comply with the requirements and specifications specified by the Supplier for the use of the Service.
3.4. The Merchant must inform the Supplier in writing and with-
out undue delay of any change in the Merchant’s information that may affect the Agreement or the Service, including but not limited to changes to the Merchant’s address, telephone number, and e-mail address. The Merchant must also inform the Supplier of the termination or signing of agreements with card payment acquirers and/or other payment method providers. The Merchant is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information supplied to the Supplier.
3.5. The Merchant must notify the Customer that he, like the Merchant, must accept the The Terms and Conditions – User Agreement when using the Service.
3.6. The Merchant is responsible for its Customers in a part of AML and KYC. Using the Service, the Merchant confirms the good faith of the counterparty and goodwill, including in relation to its Customers. The Merchant accepted AML Policy - when using the Service.
3.7. The Merchant is responsible for usage of Customers personal data according to Merchant’s privacy policies. Supplier is not the Operator of Customers personal data, when it provides service of payment participation.
4. Prices and Terms of Payment
4.1. The Merchant shall pay the fees for the Service and other charges as per the Supplier’s SERVICE CONTRACT Рayment participation P2P service «77» (Appendix №1.1).

Terms & Conditions for payment participation P2P service
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